
The Life of Princess Kaelynn

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Screams rendered through the air of the for once quiet castle dungeons. Not any scream of fright or terror, horror or pleasure....but screams of torture. Like someone's soul being ripped out from them, it was a mindless scream. A terrible scream that made a group of girls who were already cowering together, stiffen with more fear and worry. They knew that scream, they knew the person who's voice was pleading and begging them to stop. It was Kaelynn Ross Rickten, the girl who tried to protect them again and again against their assailants. And each time, they heard her screams resounding in the dungeons.  

Two eyes closed as if in hope of blocking out kaelynn's pleas and screams, but yet to no avail would they stop. This was all her fault, she was the reason this time; the reason her friend was being cut up, poisoned, broken, and almost drowning. Oh yes she could hear her screams be cut off only to hear thrashing in water. What could they do? This wasn't their time, they weren't from here...except one. Kaelynn.  

The screams grew louder and more high pitched, what were they doing? Baela wondered silently as tears tracked down her face, she glanced at the other three girls; Alyssa, Reina, and Stephanie. Fear and heartache showed on their faces, each wishing the screams would stop, the torture would just stop. None of them knew when, but they always stopped short of just killing Kaelynn before bringing her back to their cell; an order from their supposed leader they have yet to see. But whatever kept them from killing their friend, was just fine with them.

"When do you think they'll stop Baela? They're going on far longer than they usually do." Alyssa whispered to her, making sure none of the guards heard them. Baela just shrugs before listening carefully, the screams had finally stopped. That only meant one thing, Kaelynn would finally be returned to them, but how bad this time? They wouldn't know until they saw the damage done to their friend.

Heavy footsteps sounded down the hall with a slight dragging sound as if carrying a heavy sack or load. Kamus, the captain of the dungeons and master torturer stopped before their cell and unlocked the door.

Pointing into the cell, he gruffly growls out, "Throw the kuja in here." Two of the guards nodded at the order and with a grunt threw the body between them roughly into the cell.  

The girls rush forward to catch Kaelynn before she could hit the floor, and drag her back towards the shadows and pallets as the Kamus slams their cell door shut.

Stephanie glared after the captain while brushing back the shaggy bangs of Kaelynn's dark brown hair, wincing at the sight of blood staining her hand before reaching for the washcloth to try and clean their friend.

Kaelynn mumbles incoherently, her eyes gazing at the ceiling but not truly seeing as she keeps whimpering for them to stop, to stop torturing her but refuses to let them torture her friends. She knows she can take these torture sessions, has been since the day of her seventh birthday where her "lord and master", or father as she called him; mad king of the south to others, decided it was time to see how long it will take her to crack. Even to this day, her hold on her sanity, her mind even was still strong. Feeling pain seap the last of her energy she passes out in Stephanie's arms.

The girls look at the newest lacerations on their friend's body, sympathy replacing the fear on their faces before Alyssa goes to the cell door and looks to the left at the guard who was nicest to them.

"Bastion....can you get us cloths and warm water to clean her. They really messed her up. Please?" She pleads to him before seeing his tight lipped nod and watches him stride away.

He returns quickly and orders her away from the door, waiting as she scrambles quickly away and back towards her friends. Entering the cell, he closes the door behind him and walks up to them before whispering; "I was already heating up the water, I knew this time the torture was going to be worse than usual..." He stares down at Kaelynn, her shaggy curly hair darkened with soaked blood in it; he knew he was failing his baby sister by letting their father do this but he wasn't able to inherit, the only reason their father sat upon the throne was because their mother, the true ruler of the south passed away giving birth to Kaelynn.  

The true rulers of the south always passed to the women of the family, their father claimed the throne saying he was "waiting" for his daughter to come of proper age. But really, he stole it and knew that once she became of age....she would kill him. She vowed it before time jumping to the future to escape his madness and brutality.
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